Dribl Web

How to de-register members in Dribl (when participant leaves club)

Club Administrators

This article will demonstrate the process to complete in Dribl if a club member leaves your club.

First the member will need to have the deregistration request approved in the Play Football registration system.

Once the member has had their deregistration request approved in Play Football, proceed to the below steps in Dribl.

De-register the member in Dribl

  1. Click members along the top menu

2. Click edit member 


3. Click on the 3 dots next to their club roles and select de-register. This is will remove the participant from their roles in the club.

Note – The member will now have a red “De-registered” stamp next to their record for the relevant team.

You can now proceed to de-register the member from all other teams that they are allocated to at your club.


Troubleshooting – why can’t i see the 3 dots with the “De-register” option?

If a player is also part of a team submission to a FNSW Cup competition (ie Australia Cup, Waratah Cup, Saphire Cup etc) – then the member will need to be de-registered via the “Team Submissions” menu via below steps:

Example of member who does not have the 3 dots with the De-register option

Click on the Team Submissions menu and then select the Edit Submission button

Find the member in question in that team list and click on the “Bin” icon to de-register the member

You will now see a red “De-registered” stamp next to the member in question

Under the members screen – you will now see the member is de-registered from the team submission to the FNSW Cup competition and you will now also have the option to de-register the member from any other teams that they are allocated to



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