Dribl App

How to create a supporters account (Web)


*** Important note when creating accounts via the app

Only registrations that are approved and have a member account can link their account on the mobile app. The profile will be linked if you use your play Football email address. During the verification process, your name and date of birth will be verified, and if they match, it will create the member account email and automatically assign them all their roles.

Please contact your Club Administrator if your account is not linked to your role.

Alternatively, you can also create an account using the Dribl App if you are not already a team supporter of a club


  1. Open the app on your smartphone or tablet. and click on Sign Up.

2. (1) Enter in your same email address  as you registered in Play Football with (2) And click Next 

Note: If you don’t enter the same email as your Play Football Account Dribl will not give you access

3. Once you enter you enter the same email address as your Play Football account email address Dribl will send a code enter the code and enter continue.

4. Once the Code is accepted you will receive a welcome message to begin to Personalise your Dribl App. Click on  Next 


5. (1) enter your first name (2) enter your Last Name (3) Click Next

6. (1) enter your date of birth (2) click Next 

Note: your Date of birth needs to be the same as you have eneter in Play football.
Dribl aware of the mobile app that wasn’t linking the profiles and was setting the D.O.B as the date they registered on the app. This has fixed in the latest app udate

7. (1) click on the camera  icon to upload a photo of yourself (2) click Next, Also you can bypass this by clicking on I’ll do this later

8. this message will appear and finalise your account

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