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Match official entities & registrants that transfer from Play Football to Dribl

Referee Admins

There are 2 Match official entities in Play Football that transfer registrations into the one entity in Dribl.

Play Football entities:

  • FNSW – Referees (74006) * Approved registrants to the RDP Referees registration product only
  • NSW State League Football Referees (75071) * All approved registrants to any registration product under this entity

Dribl entity

“Football NSW Referees” (This is a club in Dribl)


Note issue as of 8/2/22

Only the FNSW – Referees (74006) RDP Referees registration product registrants are currently coming across to Dribl, Chris speaking to FA to resolve issue with getting the registrations from NSW State League Football Referees (75071)



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