
Pre-match Matchsheet changes – Referee Assistance in the Unconfirm / Unsubmit team process



Pre-match there is a 2 step process for the 2 competing teams to perform in Dribl:

  1. Both teams must submit their own lineups via the “Submit Team” Dribl function
  2. Then both teams must confirm their opposition lineup via the “Confirm Team” Dribl function

(Reference Only) – Detailed explanation of the pre game submit team & confirm team process can be found => here


Standard scenario for pre-match match sheet changes – Process is handled between the 2 opposing teams

There may be occasions where one of the teams needs to make a change to their team submission (i.e. a late injury, jersey no change etc) prior to kick off after the opposing team has already confirmed their team as per example below:

  1. Team A submits their team and Team B has already confirmed Team A’s lineup in the Dribl App
  2. Team A then decides that they need to make a change to their lineup (prior to kick off), but is unable to as Team B has already clicked “Confirm Team” on Team A’s lineup (Confirm Team locks the team from making any further changes)
  3. Team A coach/manager would verbally advise Team B’s coach/manager that they need to make a change to a their lineup on the match sheet and to would ask Team B’s coach/manager to please click “Unconfirm Team” to allow Team A to make their change(s) …  Providing Team B does click “Unconfirm Team”, this will allow Team A to make their required change(s).
  4. After Team A makes their lineup changes, they would click “Submit Team” again and Team B would then need to click “Confirm Team” again to acknowledge the changes and the process is now complete.


What happens if the opposing team refuses to click “Unconfirm Team” ? –  The referee can assist in this process

The referee has the ability to assist in this scenario with access to Unconfirm and/or Unsubmit a team selection

Scenario – Team A advises the referee that they need to make a change to their lineup and Team B refuses to click “Unconfirm Team” to allow the to make the change.

Upon referee’s discretion – the referee can choose to assist in this scenario as per below process

  1. As per normal match day process the referee would need to ensure they have checked in to the match, in order to take ownership of the match sheet (for reference only => how to check in as a referee on match day)
  2. The referee would need to click on the relevant Home or Away team that wishes to make a change to their lineup and click “Unconfirm Team”

3. Team A would make their required lineup changes – then click “Submit Team”.

Team B would now have the opportunity to click on “Confirm Team” again to confirm they acknowledge the changes that team A has made to their lineup and the process would now be complete.

If Team B refuses to click Confirm Team again, the referee has the access to click on “Confirm Team” to confirm they are ok with the changes

The process would now be complete.

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