Dribl Web

Team Mapping availability vs Matchsheet availability (Web & App)

Club AdministratorsCoaches and Managers

Dribl offers 2 layers of security to determine if a participant should or should not be able to appear on a digital match sheet.

Layer 1 – Team Mapping (Sets availability across all match days)

Administered by: FNSW State Administrators

  • FNSW State Admins administer who can (and cannot) be allocated to a match sheet first at the Team Mapping layer of the process.
  • Clubs administrators can View which players FNSW has marked as available or unavailable in the Team Mapping screen
  • Clubs administrators Cannot mark players as available or unavailable in the Team Mapping screen. When you hover over the availability a red circle with a line through it will appear, signifying this is not an editable field (example screenshot below).

If you have a participant that is currently marked as Unavailable in the Team Mapping screen that you believe should be marked as Available – please contact your FNSW competitions team representative to investigate.


Layer 2 – Match Sheet (Sets availability for a specific match day)

Administered by: Coaches and Managers

  • Coaches and Managers with Team Recorders Dribl access can then mark the player as available or unavailable on any Matchsheet for a specific match day.

*This is providing individual participants that have been cleared by FNSW in the Team Mapping approval process.

A Coach or a Manager can mark the player as available or unavailable on any Matchsheet for a specific match day pre match via the Dribl admin web portal or via the Dribl App.

Mark available/unavailable example via Dribl admin web portal

Mark available/unavailable example via Dribl App

Click on the circle with a red X – this will change it to a green tick

(Or)  Click and hold down on the relevant player name and select “Mark as Available


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